Life At NA

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

It's Been a While...

I don't know why I haven't posted anything in so long. I guess I've been too busy or too lazy.
Anyways, the bridge program is really challenging!!!!!!!!! I mean, it's not like I'm not grateful to the people who made me being in the program possible, but it's just so intense. I just don't understand. So far I'm in my third week and my Biology preview class is already getting unbearable. I could barely stay awake this morning. My teacher went from one topic to another and was going at like 70 miles per hour.
I was secretly going crazy trying to finish up all of my homework, which wasn't even going to be graded so I was pretty mad about that. Plus, if you don't do your homework then you definitely won't do well on the test.
That brings me to my next annoyance. THE TESTS!!!!!!!!!! GEEZ! THOSE THINGS ARE RIDICULOUSLY HARD! Well, I have to admit that the first one wasn't hard, but the second one sure was. I'm pretty sure I failed that one. (Don't think I*'m an idiot. LOL!) I kind of sort of didn't have the drive to go out and study so I guess that's why I expect such a poor grade.
The whole program isn't all horrifying. (For all the incoming ninth graders who might read this, take as much food as you want during the summer because once you start school in the fall, it's not going to be free.) Just kidding!!! If Mr. Scott read this, he would choke me to death. My Reading/Writing Skills class is really, really fun. Mrs. Carmon is extremely funny, in my opinion, (Some of my friends beg to differ LOL.) and she has a great personality. The essays we write are really challenging and I just really love the class.
Now to the food! Oo Baby! The breakfast is one of the best parts of my day. I get a bacon, egg, and cheese almost every morning which is really bad for me. The bagels are insanely good also. And the peach Snapple is my favorite! The best part is that it's all free. I know I sound like a free loader, but what can I say? Food always tastes better when you don't have to pay for it. Syke na. hahahaha
Well, just a couple more weeks left until this thing is over. I can't wait till actual school starts. I'm excited about the classes I'm going to take(most of them anyway) in the fall and all of the new friends I'm going to make. Sigh..... This summer will be over soon enough....


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