Life At NA

Saturday, September 23, 2006

I Think I'm Going to Die

Why i s it that the teachers here are so unmerciful. It's like the work never stops coming. I need a break. It's like I have a test every other day. I guess I did ask for this when I applied. I just gotta suck it up an dtake it like a man. sigh...

Friday, September 01, 2006


Last week was fantastic! The cross country team and I, which is coached by Mr. Downs, went to New Hampshire for a week of training before the season starts. I have to say it wasn't easy, but a lot for fun at the same time.

The hardest part about the trip was waking up in the morning at 7AM to run. I was still drowsy while running around Wolfeboro. One morning my knee was so bad that I didn't even make it to the end of the road. I was really disappointed in myself because I knew I could have done better when running the courses. I hate making excuses for myself and I'm not going to.

After that week was over, we had another week of practices. I'm very upset right now because I only went to two practices. I had no way of getting to and from practices so i had to stop going. On Tuesday I found out from Glen, personal trainer, that I inflamed the muscle in front of my right knee or something along those lines and i pulled a muscle under my left leg. At that point I told myself that I had to stay home so that my legs can get better. I felt better by Wednesday afternoon and I was planning on going to practice Thursday morning, but my parents had to work so no one could drop me off. I felt like dirt because i felt like I let Mr. Downs down after all that I went through last week. I still feel crumby!

Other things happened this week besides sports. I received my books and my locker on Monday. I was pretty excited, and I know it's stupid to get excited over getting a locker, but that's just how I am. Anyways, my locker is pretty cool even though it's kind of jammed. lol

Orientation was a blast! by the way. I met some new people and I saw some friends I've already met. I also met my peer leaders who were really cool. So far this school year has gone off to a great start. wun